
JND's Year In Review

April 27, 2017

Our achievements over the past twelve months include...


JND Legal Administration Appoints Tom Hoffman as Senior Consultant for Class Action and Mass Tort Administration Services

March 14, 2017

JND Legal Administration, a premier legal management and administration company headquartered in Seattle, has appointed Tom Hoffman as a senior consultant for the firm’s class action and mass tort administration services division.


JND Legal Administration Expands Class Action and Mass Tort Sales Teams with New Senior Business Development Consultant

February 06, 2017

JND Legal Administration today announced the expansion of its business development team, with the addition of David Hoffman, a new senior business development consultant.


JND Legal Administration Appoints Industry Leader Jennifer Keough as Chief Executive Officer

January 12, 2017

JND Legal Administration today appointed Jennifer Keough as the company’s new chief executive officer, to oversee its comprehensive service lines in class action, mass tort, corporate restructuring, eDiscovery and government services.


Lowey Dannenberg Selects JND eDiscovery and Relativity to Save $2.5 Million in Class Action Case

November 30, 2016

Multi-faceted review strategy and comprehensive data analytics saved Lowey Dannenberg $2.5 million in a class action case, according to details released today by JND eDiscovery, a subsidiary of JND Legal Administration.


JND Legal Administration Sponsors, Attends Upcoming Industry Conferences

November 02, 2016

SEATTLE--JND Legal Administration, the fastest-growing company in the legal administration space, will be attending and sponsoring several upcoming industry conferences, including sponsoring the inaugural University of Miami Class Action and Complex Litigation Forum.


How To Minimize Notice Risks in Securities Class Actions

October 13, 2016

Neil Zola writes on the difficulties that securities class actions can present with noticing—and shares his strategies on how to ensure maximum visibility and class participation.


Female Execs To Contrite VC: Thanks But The Damage (Continues To Be) Done

September 30, 2016

A recent article went viral for telling women to use their initials online. Here's why successful female entrepreneurs think that's bunk.


Law Firms Vie to Hire Public Figures

August 05, 2016

After hanging out its shingle in February, JND Legal Administration of Seattle wasted little time in mining the public sector for talent. Charles Lawson, who directed the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Consumer Protection settlement fund administration program...


JND Legal Administration Adds Industry Titan Michael Sherin as Senior Advisor

July 21, 2016

JND Legal Administration, a management and administration company delivering service lines in class action, mass tort, corporate restructuring, government services and eDiscovery, today announced the appointment of Michael Sherin as senior advisor.


JND Legal Administration Adds Michael Sherin as Senior Advisor

July 21, 2016

JND Legal Administration, a management and administration company delivering service lines in class action, mass tort, corporate restructuring, government services and eDiscovery, today announced the appointment of Michael Sherin as senior advisor.


JND Legal Administration Bolsters Senior Ranks and Introduces Government Line of Business

June 14, 2016

JND Legal Administration, a company specializing in the management and administration of class action, bankruptcy and mass tort claims, today announced the appointment of Charles Lawson as senior vice president of JND Government Services.


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