
JND's CEO Jennifer Keough featured in "Women Who Lead" for Puget Sound Business Journal

March 01, 2018

Jennifer Keough sits down with Ashley Stewart to talk work-life balance, challenges of entrepreneurship, and career advice for female leaders.


JND Co-Chairman & Founder Neil Zola Talks Entrepreneurship with USA Weekly

February 28, 2018

Neil Zola discusses the entrepreneurial spirit of JND, current expansion challenges, and divulges prime business advice for young entrepreneurs.


JND’s CEO Jennifer Keough Provides Insight on Achieving Organizational Excellence

February 09, 2018

According to Jennifer Keough, CEO of JND Legal Administration, organizational excellence begins and ends with the people on your team.


JND’s CEO Jennifer Keough Featured Among Top Female Business Leaders on Overcoming the Imposter Syndrome

January 11, 2018

Jennifer and other leading businesswomen share their wisdom related to Melinda Gates’ recent commentary.


JND Legal Administration Named #1 Claims Administrator in 2017 Best of Legal Times

November 02, 2017

SEATTLE, Nov. 2, 2017 - JND Legal Administration, a legal management and administration company serving law firms, companies and government entities, today announced it has been recognized as the best claims administrator in the 2017 Best of Legal Times Reader Survey.


How to Face Your e-Discovery Fears

October 31, 2017

The Data Dump and the Search Scare: they’re two fears every e-discovery team shares. No matter how far e-discovery and the legal technology industry have come, these two scenarios continue to haunt our nightmares.


Jennifer Keough of JND Legal Administration Named Female Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist in Stevie® Awards for Women in Business

October 26, 2017

SEATTLE - Jennifer Keough, CEO and co-founder of JND Legal Administration, a legal management and administration company serving law firms, corporations and government entities, has been named a Female Entrepreneur of the Year finalist in the 14th annual Stevie® Awards for Women in Business. As a finalist, Jennifer will ultimately be recognized as a Gold, Silver or Bronze Stevie Award winner.


JND eDiscovery Experts Featured at Relativity Fest 2017

October 19, 2017

Oct. 19, 2017 – SEATTLE and MINNEAPOLIS – Leading industry experts from JND eDiscovery, a subsidiary of JND Legal Administration, will be presenting at the upcoming Relativity Fest 2017, the annual conference hosted by Relativity to educate and connect the eDiscovery community.


Taking a Strategic Approach to Class Action Settlement Administration

October 02, 2017

Class action settlement administration is far more complicated than most realize, and can become both costly and problematic if the appropriate strategy is not mapped out by the parties well in advance of settlement.


JND Legal Administration Appoints Drew Sommer as Senior IT Advisor

August 14, 2017

SEATTLE —JND Legal Administration, a premier legal management and administration company headquartered in Seattle, has appointed Drew Sommer as senior IT advisor.


Profiles in Diversity Journal Recognizes JND Legal Administration CEO Jennifer Keough in 2017 Women Worth Watching Awards

August 01, 2017

SEATTLE, August 1, 2017 - Jennifer Keough, chief executive officer and co-founder of JND Legal Administration, has been recognized in the 2017 Women Worth Watching Awards by Profiles in Diversity Journal.


JND Brings eDiscovery to the Cloud as a RelativityOne Certified Partner

May 11, 2017

JND eDiscovery, a subsidiary of JND Legal Administration, a legal management and administration firm, today announced they have been designated a RelativityOne Certified Partner by kCura, developers of the eDiscovery platform Relativity.


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