Co-Founder and CEO of JND, Jennifer Keough, empowers women to lead and provides insights alongside six other Seattle leaders in "Daring Women: Seven Leaders Tell Their Stories," published in the May/June issue of Seattle Business Magazine.
Co-Founder and CEO of JND, Jennifer Keough, empowers women to lead and provides insights alongside six other Seattle leaders in "Daring Women: Seven Leaders Tell Their Stories," published in the May/June issue of Seattle Business Magazine.
From beginning to end, and at every touchpoint in between, the content and delivery of communications with class members must be timely, informative, unambiguous and practical. In this MTVA Spotlight, Matthew Potter, Senior Strategic Advisor to JND, outlines core factors to consider as you develop the terms of your settlement – and specifically the claims process – to maximize class participation and optimize filing rates.
JND has again been named as the nation's #1 Class Action Claims Administrator by U.S. attorneys and legal service providers, as published in the National Law Journal’s ‘Best of 2021’ annual reader survey. JND has been recognized as a leader in claims administration every year since its establishment, ranking in numerous national and regional American Lawyer Media (“ALM”) ‘Best of’ surveys, including the National Law Journal (“NLJ”), Legal Times and the New York Law Journal.
Gina Intrepido-Bowden joined JND in 2018 as a senior director, bringing more than 25 years of media research, campaign development and public relations experience to the position. Recently promoted to Vice President, Gina has been directly involved in the design and implementation of legal notice programs for a number of JND’s highest-profile cases.
Bringing more than 25 years of diversified operations and management experience in class action administration to her role as Vice President at JND, Shandy provides oversight and ensures operational efficiency across the organization.
Having placed in the ‘Best Claims Administrator’ category of the New York Law Journal 'Best of' annual reader survey for three consecutive years, JND Legal Administration has been short-listed by the Journal as a legal services provider of the highest caliber.
JND's Senior Vice President of Government Services, Charles Lawson, was recently recognized by Profiles in Diversity Journal (PDJ) as one of the first to be awarded the Black Leaders Worth Watching Award. The Fall 2020 issue of PDJ honors the first class of BLWW by featuring inspirational essays authored by all 54 award recipients.
JND Legal Administration recently appointed Lorri Staal as vice president of operations. With more than 20 years of complex litigation experience and demonstrated claims administration expertise, Staal was brought on by JND in June to keep pace with the company’s rapid case growth.
Represented by SVP of Government Services, Charles Lawson, JND Legal Administration has been recognized for diversity and excellence in leadership by the Profiles in Diversity Journal. Lawson was one of 54 selected for the inaugural Black Leaders Worth Watching™ Awards.
JND's Vice President of eDiscovery and Analytics, Ben Sexton, was one of five industry experts on a recent webinar that tackled remote collection challenges. Relativity published an article recapping the riveting discussion on why physical collections just won’t cut it in a remote world—and how you can succeed with remote collections.
JND's Vice President of eDiscovery and Analytics, Ben Sexton, provides insight for Relativity on the transition to remote work, advice for others in the eDiscovery community, and his predictions for the future of legal support services.
JND's Vice President of Information Security, Derek Dragotta, pens article for Class Action Law360 on the importance of stringent data security and protecting claimant data during the expansion of organizational remote access in response to COVID-19.
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